Thursday, March 26, 2015

My Life


My name is Adrian, i was born on 18 October 1997 - Pontianak, West Borneo, Indonesia. Now,i'm on Senior High School, and trying to do my best with the National Exams which will held on April this year. And i already signed a form registration for my College. And here are stories about my life.

Back then, when around 1997-2000 there was nothing special at all in my life (JK) :D . My journey starts when i was entered the playgroup, it was around 2001, i was just 4 or 5 years old, a shy little kid joined 20 kids in one classroom, i still remember that the time when i joined playgroup was really funny, i was really scared to meet other kids and teachers, because almost 3 or 4 years at home and suddently meet a lot of kids and strange places.

At first until third days at playgroup , my parents always kept watching me during school time, it was really scary at first day. but after few weeks, i finally found a lot of friend, i can plays with them, also not need my parent to kept watching during school time.

Until i got to my elementary school, it was around 2003, this is the main reason why i got addicted to games and computer , even there is no computer back then, but in 2003, i got my first gaming console (not really, it was like third console for me, before playstation it was nintendo and sega) , so i got PS1. i was really excited at that time, you know, not all kid from my class had PS 1, and also that was the "THINGS" that made me addicted to games, i love my PS 1.

After a few years addicted to gaming, finally i got a reward, it was 2005 , i got my first glasses, i was really dont like it, and thought my classmate with made fun of it, so i rarely use it, it was so much fun with that glasses.

Junior High School - i went to 9th grade in 2009, i was 12 or 13 back then, almost same like my playgroup experiences, i had no friend and really shy to talk to other kid, so i just keep silent for almost few days, and they made some conversation and thats why i got friend. at this grade and next 3 years i was really addicted to gaming, almost 10 hours per day for gaming, thats why my score and report got so bad, but finally i can made it out,

Senior High School - 2012 was my first time to senior high school, at this time i got a lot of friends more easy, i think this happened because i have a lot of gamers in this class, so we got  a lot and close conversation, INTERNET and GAMES is a thing that fill my day , each day i spend to that things, but also trying to kept my score good. it was really hard when something you do changed to read book or do homework. 

and now, i almost made it out through senior high school, only 3 or 4 weeks left before the National Exams, i managed to continue my college with IT , because i love all about computer ,mobile,game, and internet. and i think IT is my best choice, hopefully i can finish it and made my college year better before jump to real world.

no one knows what would happen in the future, but i'll try my best and keep going.

Thats all about my life and how i addicted to internet and game. Anything to ask ? Post in the comment section or contact me on FACEBOOK or TWITTER. Have a nice day :D

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