Friday, March 27, 2015

Top 5 Popular Browser All The Time - Review Of Each

Image result for browser top
Most Popular Browser - Since computer has been founded many years ago, it doesn't come suddenly to make a connection between all the world, place to place, country to country, computer only uses as a machine that helps human work such as typing. 
And then a things that we nowadays know as Internet comes, it was founded and used to be a way to connect or make a connection from other people to other people, even from different places. 

Back then there is no many tool to connect to internet, not like what you see right now. Internet now can be found almost in every places, and almost modern peoples nowadays using it.

For some other people , internet has been their activity everyday. they can use it to plays games, watch a video, chatting, or even making a money. One of you that reading this , might using something that really important for internet to be used correctly, yes, there are called a Browser.

Browser is a tool / application to makes using internet much easier, even you can use it without learning any plus knowledge. Browser had grown to become bigger and popular, it used to be a most chosen tool to connect to internet, and some of them are really popular now. Everybody might using different browser, and maybe one of you that reading this, still haven't found which browser is best for you ?

Mostly people asked about :
-What is fastest browser in the world ?
-What is the best browser ?
-Which one is the easiest to use ?

So, here is the list i made , Top 5 Popular Browser :

Image result for opera
Opera is one of the most popular browser, it comes with many version, and the one that also popular is the Mini version for mobile phones, which called as Opera Mini. 

Why is so popular ? many people said it was really fast because the compression when you try to opening a page / website. Based on my experiences, i already tried both version of Opera, and i mostly enjoyed the Opera Mini, why ? because it has really small data to be used, also no need big memory to run it on low mobile phone,

The Opera version on my computer, was honestly good, but i need to say that it doesn't really fast at all, i mean i really love it but, it still not my best browser on computer BUT, it really the most favorite browser on my phone.

here is what it looks like on computer version : 

And here is the mobile version which is Opera Mini :
REALLY , you need to try the Mini version , and i do recommended it for all mobile phone user. But, again, it depends on you. Some of you might disagree my opinion about the Opera for computer, and i understand that. 

Opera for computer and mobile can be found here :

So, have you try it out yet ? OR, you have not find your favorite yet ? Check out the next one.

Image result for google chrome
So here comes the number 2, Google Chrome, is one of Google product. Chromeis almost known by everyone that ever used internet. It comes with nice User Interface, easy configuration and also really low memory consumption, 

It has some feature that i love, one of them is it has some small feature but it really useful, i found that opening Youtube was more comfortable with Chrome, because when i full screen a video, it doesn't require to buffer all of the video again, which i found on other browser, they need to buffer the video when i full screen it, but i don't think everyone got this problem. So yeah, It was my Most Favorite browser on computer.

it also comes to the mobile version, but really, It doesn't have any ads blocker, so when ads appear ,you need to close it manually, which is annoying. I totally hate the mobile version. besides that, it was really fast and easy to use. almost the same like the bigger version.

So, here is the Chromeon computer :

And here is the mobile version : 
I do recommended this browser for everyone who read this, if you haven't try it out yet, go a head and download it !

It can be found here :

Image result for firefox
Here comes number 3, this one is really popular when i was new to the internet, i saw everyone using it, and when i tried it, Firefox has a bit more configuration that user can make, and it also comes with really fresh User Interface, that mean really easy to use.

Firefox has speed compression, which is also "used" by many browser, each browser has different speed on my test, Firefox is really fast at browsing, also download. But, last time i tried . it can't handle big file, i always got a failed in the middle, i think this might because my internet connection problem. But still, its not my favorite browser, the big reason is the Youtube, i watch a video on Youtube using Firefox and when the video was ready to play, i clicked the Fullscreen , and what happened? it re-load my video, so i need to wait it again, it doesn't matter if only couple of minutes video, but what about 50 minutes or 1 hour video ? i think that might be annoying.

Firefox also comes with mobile version, i tried out the Android version and i suprised it was not that slow, i mean the speed is average, not too fast also not to slow, it has a simple User Interface and unique design. But, same as chrome, it doesn't have any ads blocker, which is my most favorite feature that i think all browser in 2015 should have it.

So, here is Firefox on computer :

And this one is the Android version of Firefox :

Firefox can be downloaded here :

So, have you decided ? if not, continue scroll until the end :D

Image result for safari browser logo
Although its popular, but honestly, i have not tried it yet. This browser is also one of most popular browser in the world. 

So, as i never tried it, i would not give a review based on experiences, but i will list all the feature it has :
-It has a dictionary on it
-You can make a quick notes with it
-Better HTML5 support
-And many other things

Safari on computer :

and for the IOS version :

Above was all the most popular browser you can try it out, but the last one is doesn't mean not deserve a try. It was the legend.

Image result for internet explorer
The oldest one to born on modern internet, the Internet Explorer or the "legend" is one of the most popular browser, before all the browser comes, it was the first one to use, but sadly not all people like it, although it has simple User Interface, and you know, bit complicated. 

This is why many jokes about it start and people call it as "Slowest browser" on earth, and this jokes getting more and more because it has bad performance ,sometimes it crash and causes many people hate about it. But Internet Explorer is honestly has bad and slow performance, not gonna lie about it.

But, remember the old joke : "if there is no IE (internet explorer) you cannot download other browser , so respect it."

How its looks like on computer :

And suprisingly, it also comes with the mobile version :
I don't know if you haven't find your favorite yet, maybe you can share with me in the comment section, about which browser you like the most ?
So guys, that was my Top 5 Browser List, maybe you have other opinion ? Which one is the best ?

Thank you for having time at my blog, please enjoy and have a nice day \:D/ . Bye.

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