Thursday, March 26, 2015

Top 5 Popular Programming Languages (With Tips for Beginners)

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Programming Language - Since computer has founded and internet were growing , even before those two exist, programming language already founded and used. Back then, there is only few of language available to learn. But, nowadays , it can be easily found every where, and if you're read this from computer browser or mobile browser that's one example of programming language is everywhere.

People (specially beginners) always ask these question :
-What is the best programming language ?
-What is the easiest programming language ?
-Which programming language is the best ?
-Which programming language is most useful ?

All question above are most FAQ when someone trying get into programming world, and mostly asked by someone that have not any experience about programming, basically, all programming language are good, depends how your style and effort and your goal. But, even all of them are good, you should try something simple to start , simple doesn't mean it was "weak" or "useless" , simple programming language will help you to understand how its work and how to make it work,

For example Python and C++ , if i never learn any programming language yet, i will choose Python , why ? because C++ is more "advance" and with Python you can learn the basic before jump into more "advance" language (eg. C++ or C#), but it doesn't mean a beginner cant just directly jump to "advance" language, again, its depend about your style and effort.

So, here is the list of Popular Programming Language :

1. Java

Image result for java
Java is the one of most popular Programming Language, it can be found everywhere, mobile phones, computer, etc. Still in my opinion, Java was the one of the best.
Java is also uses by many applications, games, web browser. Java might be one of your choice.

This Language might be one of your best bet to learn, its simple, easy to understand, and if you get mastered of it, it can be powerful language. here is the example of Java Language :

You can find out how its work and why is popular. This Programming is recommended by many advance programmers , but what is the next most popular language beside Java ? Lets find out

2. Python

Image result for python language
Next one , as i already mentioned in the beginning, yes, Python. Python is the second most popular Programming Language that can also be your best bet to begin your journey as a programmer. It offers really simple code, and also beginners can be able understand the basic very easily, its generally different from Java but , its basically same way to make it work. 

It was my first Programming Language i learn when i started to find out which one is the best Programming Language. I recommended Python for everyone that want to start Programming.

Havent Find out the one you like yet ? Lets continue to the next one.

3. Visual Basic

The third one of most popular Programming Language is Visual Basic , it also known as OOP or Object Oriented Programming ,Visual Basic is one of microsoft visual studio application, and what it does is you will can make a program using object and insert a code to make it work, for example a cashier machine, a traffic light , and this one also has easy code, more easy than Python and Java
Visual Basic has a lot of advantage when you mastered on it. 

Besides of that, in my opinion , if you want to start and want to know the basic , Python or Java still might be best to use. here is the example of Visual Basic :

So, that was the number 3, lets go to the next one.

4. Ruby

Image result for ruby programming logo

Ruby is the next most popular Programming Language, it was also recommended for beginner when jump into Programming world. it also the friend of Python and Java (List of most recommended for beginners)

Ruby programming is unique, it offers also easy code, but don't underestimate it because , also can be powerful when get mastered on it. many game and apps made by Ruby Language, made it become one of still the most popular Programming Language . here is the example of the Ruby :

Not find out which one yet ? hah, your best bet are above, if you're beginner. i dont recommended this one as a start point, but you know, its your choice.

5. C++

Image result for c++ language logo
At last, we got C++. Seriously, this one is not scary when you got the basic and experienced on Programming world, the reason not for beginner is only its use more "hard" code, while the other use simple 1 or 2 lines, but it doesn't mean it is impossible to learn, even if you're never meet Programming but want to try this one, you will become able to control it. without learn other basics.

here is the example of C++ :

OK, everyone, that was all my Most Popular Programming Language List, but there is still many and a lot of language that available out there, just keep coding and keep learning, practice and do your best. Hope my list will help beginners to learn which one to start first.

Have other opinion ? What is your most popular Programming Language ? And which one you think is the best to learn for beginner ? Post in the comment section below.

thanks for visiting my blog. bye :D .

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